Map your community cleanup

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Map your community cleanup

2024-07-16 07:52:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Prepare the map and form

Before your cleanup event begins, you'll prepare the map and form that community members will use to collect data.

Add the community cleanup layer to your organization

The first step is to create a feature layer in your ArcGIS Online organization that will store the data from your cleanup. The layer will contain attribute fields that the Field Maps mobile app will be configured to show as form fields. Cleanup participants will use the form to collect data. You can either create a feature layer manually or upload a file geodatabase that contains a feature class to define the layer. In this case, you'll upload the geodatabase feature class to define the layer.

Download the community cleanup zipped file geodatabase to your computer.

This includes the empty community cleanup feature class.

Sign in to your ArcGIS organizational account.Note:

If you don't have an organizational account, see options for software access.

On the ribbon, click Content.

On the Content page, click New item.

In the New item window, click Your device. Browse to and choose the zipped file geodatabase that you downloaded earlier.


Alternatively, you can drag the file directly into the drag and drop area of the window.

For Item type, choose File geodatabase and ensure Add and create a hosted feature layer is selected. Click Next.

Provide the following metadata for the layer:For Title, type Esri Community Cleanup followed by your initials to ensure that the name is unique in your organization.For Folder, choose the folder you'd like to save the layer in.For Tags, type community, cleanup, and earthday, pressing Tab after typing each tag.For Summary, type Feature layer for the community cleanup event.

Adding your initials to the title will ensure the layer is unique within your organization. Adding the location to the name of the layer will help you identify it more easily later. For tags, it is helpful to add meaningful tags that help people find your layer when they search for it.

Click Save.

The file geodatabase is uploaded and the feature class it contains is converted to a hosted feature layer in your organization. The layer's item details page appears.

In the next section, you will configure the feature layer to fit your community cleanup's needs.

Add a field to the community cleanup layer

The layer you just created contains a field to hold various types of litter that the participant can record during the event. The plan is for the participants to work in groups. Next, you'll add a field to store group names, and configure it with a list of group names, to make it easier for the teams to record which team cleaned up a given piece of litter.

On your Esri Community Cleanup item details page, on the ribbon, click the Data tab and click Fields.

The fields included in the community cleanup layer appear. The Item Type and Item description fields will both be used as entries in the form you'll configure later on. If you want community members to collect additional information during the event, you can add more fields. For example, if you divide community members into cleanup groups, you can include a field to store which group is recording a given item.

Click Add to add an additional field.

In the Add Field window, enter the following information:For Field Name, type group_name.For Display Name, type Group Name.For Type, choose String.

Click Add New Field.

The new field is added to the layer. Next, you'll create a list of options that community members can choose from when filling out this entry in the form. Adding a list of values is useful when there are specific values that you want people to use, because they get a list of choices in the app, rather than having to type values. This helps maintain the integrity of your data by preventing typos and restricting the values that can be added. At other times, you may want to use a string field without a field list, for example, for a Notes field.

In the table, click the new Group Name row. In the Group Name pane, click Create List.

In the box under Label, type Recycling Friends. In the box under Code, type g1, short for group 1.

The code value, in this case g1, is stored in the table, and the label value, Recycling Friends, is used to display it.

Click Add to add a value for another cleanup group.In the new box under Label, type Sustainability Crew. In the new box under Code, type g2, short for group 2.Use the same method to add a third group with the Label value Litter Patrol and the Code value g3.

You can add as many groups as you need for your community cleanup.

Click Save.

These group names will appear as options in the form that community members fill out during the event.

While you are configuring the layer, you have the option to add other fields to capture other data during the cleanup. For example, depending on your interests, you might add fields to capture the following:

Number of visible trash cans (Type: Integer)Terrain type (Type: String) (List options: street, forest, beach, and so on)Area type (Type: String) (List options: residential, commercial, and so on) Note:

For more information on adding fields, see Add or delete a field.

Customize a value list for a field

The layer's Item type field will be used to record the type of items found during the cleanup. It has a list of possible values for these items, but you will add another one.

On the Fields tab, click Item type.

The List of Values appears, showing the default item type options that community members can choose from during the event.

Next to List of Values (Domain), click Edit.

Click Add to add a value for another item type.For Label, type Auto part. In the box under Code, type 6.

The code value, 6, is stored in the table, and the label value, Auto part, will be displayed.

Add any additional item types that can be collected during your event.


You can also click the Delete button for the row of any item to remove types that aren't relevant to your cleanup.

Click Save.

Your layer is now prepared, and you are ready to add it to a new map.

Create the community cleanup map

Next, you'll create the map that community members will use when collecting litter data. This is the map participants will use in the Field Maps mobile app. You'll enable the community cleanup layer for editing and add it to a new map.

On the item details page of your Esri Community Cleanup layer you just created, click the Settings tab.

In the Feature Layer (hosted) section, under Editing, check Enable editing and Enable Sync.

This allows community members to add data to the layer during the event.

In the What kind of editing is allowed? section, uncheck Delete.

This will prevent community members from deleting data.

Next to Feature Layer (hosted), click Save.Click the Overview tab and click Open in Map Viewer.Note:

Depending on your organization settings, Open in Map Viewer Classic may be the option you see on the item details page. If so, click the drop-down menu and choose Open in Map Viewer.

A new map opens with the community cleanup layer. The layer is empty, so there won't be any data on the map.

On the Settings (light) toolbar, click Search.

In the Find Address or Place search bar that appears, type the address of the location for your community cleanup, click the correct result, or press the Enter key. For this tutorial, you can type 380 New York St, Redlands, CA, which is the address of Esri headquarters.

The map zooms in on the address, and a pop-up appears with the search result.

Close the pop-up.Adjust the zoom level of your map to show the extent of the area where your community cleanup will happen.

When participants open the map in the Field Maps mobile app, this is the map extent that will appear on their devices.

On the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Basemap and in the Basemap pane, choose Topographic.Note:

Depending on your organization settings, the Topographic basemap may already be the default basemap.

Next, you will save your map.

On the Contents toolbar, click Save and open and click Save.

In the Save map window, enter the following title, tags, and summary for the map:For Title, type Esri Community Cleanup Map and your initials to ensure that the name is unique in your organization.For Tags, type cleanup and earthday, pressing Enter after typing each tag.For Summary, type A community cleanup event on the Esri campus, 5/6/2021. For your cleanup, you may want to specify the location, date, and time.

It is a good idea to include the location of your event in the title to make the map easy to identify, and adding tags helps people find your map when they search for it. Adding a good summary helps people know the purpose of your map.

Click Save map.

You've created the map community members will use during the event. Next, you'll configure the map thumbnail and the form they'll fill out during data collection.

Configure the map thumbnail

You'll configure the thumbnail for the data collection map in the Field Maps web app.

On the Contents toolbar, click Map properties. In the Map Properties pane, click Item details.

The item details page for your community cleanup map appears.

On the item details page, click Open in Field Maps.

Your map opens in the Field Maps web app on the Overview page.

Point to the map thumbnail and click Change Thumbnail. Change the thumbnail to an image of the location of your event.

Thumbnail images must be 600 x 400 pixels, landscape orientation, PNG or JPG format, and not larger than 1 MB in size. This will help participants identify the map in the Field Maps mobile app.

Configure the form

The last step before starting your cleanup event is configuring your map for use in Field Maps. Using the Field Maps web app, you'll configure the form used for data collection.

Click Content.

The Content page appears.

In the Layers section, click your community cleanup layer.

The blank form canvas opens. This is where you'll configure the form that community members will use when collecting data in the Field Maps mobile app.

The Fields list shows all the fields that can be used as form elements in the form. The list includes the fields included in the community cleanup layer as well as any additional fields you added.

From the Form builder, under Fields, drag the Group Name, Item type, and Item description fields onto the form.

You can drag fields one at a time or press Ctrl and select multiple fields and drag them all at once. Additionally, drag any other fields you added for your cleanup event onto the form. The Item Count field is going to be used in the background for ArcGIS Insights, so it does not need to go in the form.

Click the Group Name form element.

The Properties pane appears, showing formatting options for the form element.

In the Properties pane, for Input type, choose Radio buttons.

This will display the group names as radio button options within the form.

On the form preview, click the Item description form element.

Next, you'll add additional context that participants may need during the event.

On the Properties pane, for Description, type For example: candy wrapper, sharp object, paper recyclable, lost notebook, biohazardous material.

On the form preview pane, the Description text provides additional context so community members can have an idea of what they could include for that form entry.

For Required choose Yes, allow null values.

Making the form element required will ensure that participants fill out the Item description entry for each item.

On the form preview, click the form title and in the Formatting pane, for Form title, remove your name or initials.

The form preview shows what the form will look like on the Field Maps mobile app.

When participants collect data in the mobile app, this form will appear. It allows them to fill out their group name, item type, and an item description of the collected item (along with any other custom fields you added).

Click Save to save your form.

Click Sharing.

The Sharing page appears. Setting the sharing level will enable you to share the map with the accounts your participants will use when collecting data using the Field Maps mobile app.

Click Set sharing level.

You can share the map with your entire organization or to a group you created for this event. If you create a group and share to the group, add the members of the organization who will participate in the event as members of the group.

In the Share window, click Organization and click Save.

In the Update sharing window, click Update to also share the community cleanup layer with the same share settings as the map.Close the Field Maps web app browser tab. Close your community cleanup map browser tab.

Once you share your map and layer, you and your community members are ready to download the Field Maps mobile app and begin your cleanup event. Everyone who uses the app will need to be a member of your ArcGIS Online organization.

Collect data

Previously, you created a community cleanup map. Now, you'll use that map to collect data about the litter you find during a community cleanup event. You'll use the ArcGIS Field Maps mobile app to collect the data.

Download the mobile app

To start collecting data, you'll download the ArcGIS Field Maps app onto your mobile device. Field Maps is available on both Android and iOS.

On your smartphone or tablet, find ArcGIS Field Maps on Google Play (for Android devices) or the App Store (for iOS devices). Download and install ArcGIS Field Maps.

You must install the app on every mobile device that will be used to record data during the community cleanup.

After the app has been installed, open ArcGIS Field Maps and sign in to your ArcGIS account.

Once you are signed in, the Maps list appears. The list includes maps you have created in your account. It also has a section for groups, where maps shared with groups that you are a member of will be available.


If multiple people are going to participate in the cleanup using multiple devices, create a group, add them to it, and share the map with the group.

Open the community cleanup map

Next, in the Field Maps mobile app, you'll open the community cleanup map. This is the map you'll use while collecting litter data.

In the Maps list, search for and tap your community cleanup map to open it.

When prompted, allow Field Maps access to your location.The map zooms to your location, and you can collect some points where you are.

If you accidentally change the map extent, tap the GPS button to center on your location.

Collect data on a trash item

You're now ready to begin the community cleanup event. As you come across trash and other litter, you'll add a new data point on your map in Field Maps. When adding a new data point, you can select from the following item list:

Recyclable鈥擨tems that can be recycled (paper, plastic, cardboard, and glass)Lost and found鈥擨tems that are in good shape and that seem to have an owner (school supplies, cell phone, clothing item, and so on)Refundable鈥擨tems that can be turned in for money (empty aluminum can)Trash鈥擠iscarded waste that should be thrown away (empty candy wrapper, chip bag, tissue,)Hazardous鈥擬aterial that is dangerous to touch or pick up (broken bottles, needles) And any other category you added when configuring the feature layer (for example, Auto parts).

You'll start by adding a point for an empty candy wrapper you find and designating it as trash in your collection.

Tap Add to capture the candy wrapper's location.

Swipe up on the form so that it fills your entire screen.

In the form, enter the following information:For Group Name, choose your group name from the list.For Item type, choose Trash.For Item description, type Candy wrapper to describe what type of trash it is.

Swipe down to hide the form.Tap Update Point to add the point to your map.Note:

GPS accuracy varies depending on your device and location. If your GPS accuracy is below 30 ft, the default minimum required value, you may see Add Point instead of Update Point. See Specify the required accuracy and confidence to learn more.

Tap the checkmark (Android) or tap Submit (iOS) to share the trash location you collected with everyone who has access to the layer.

The new point is added to the map.

Collect data on a lost and found item

Next, you'll collect data on a different type of item you find during the event. For example, suppose you notice that a notebook has been left on the ground and you want to document it and make sure it gets back to its owner.

Tap Add to capture the item's location.Tap Take Photo.

When prompted, allow Field Maps access to your camera.Take a photo of the lost and found item.

Tap the checkmark (Android) or Use photo (iOS) to attach it.Expand and fill out the form with the following information:For Group Name, choose your group name from the list.For Item type, choose Lost and found.For Item description, type Notebook in the box.

Minimize the form and tap Update Point to add the point to your map.Tap the checkmark (Android) or tap Submit (iOS) to share the notebook location you collected with everyone who has access to the layer.

The new point is added to the map.

On your own, capture more information about the trash and other materials you collect outside.

Once you are done collecting litter outside, you'll use ArcGIS Insights to visualize your cleanup progress.

Map your cleanup progress

Now that you have collected your data, you'll return to your computer and use ArcGIS Insights to visualize your progress in an interactive report. The report will include a map and charts that show how much litter has been collected, which types of litter are most common, and where the litter was found.

Open a workbook

You'll start by opening an Insights workbook package template. The template is designed to create a report on your cleanup progress.

Download the Community_cleanup_template.insightswbk file.

The file is an Insights workbook package containing the card layout and text boxes, and styles you will use to create your cleanup report.

Locate the downloaded file on your computer.Note:

Depending on your web browser, you may have been prompted to choose the file's location before you began the download. Most browsers download to your computer's Downloads folder by default.

Go to ArcGIS Insights. If necessary, click Sign in and sign in using your ArcGIS organizational account.Note:

To access ArcGIS Insights in ArcGIS Online, your organization's administrator must grant you a license for it (see options for software access). Schools can request their own free ArcGIS Education licenses.

On the home page, click the Workbooks tab.

Click Import. Browse to and open the Community_cleanup_template.insightswbk file that you downloaded.

The workbook is added to your Workbooks page.

Click the Community cleanup workbook to open it.

The workbook opens in Insights.

The workbook contains one page with three cards, but no data.

In the next section, you will add the data you collected and use it to update the cards in the workbook.

Visualize your data

The cards in the workbook are empty because there are no datasets in the workbook to display. You'll add the dataset with your cleanup data and use it to update the cards on the page.

Click the Add to page button on the workbook toolbar.

The Add to page window appears.

Add to page window, click My organization and choose My content. On the search bar, type Esri Community Cleanup and click the dataset from your content. Note:

If you have not collected your own features, you can download the MapYourCommunityCleanup_gdb dataset and add it to your organization using the steps outlined in the first section of this tutorial.

Your Esri Community Cleanup feature layer contains the community_cleanup dataset.

The community_cleanup dataset appears in the Selected Data pane.

Click Add to add the dataset to your workbook.

The dataset is added to the data pane and a map is created. You may need to scroll down on the page to see the new map.

You'll move this map so that it appears in the large placeholder card already on the page.

Click the menu bar of the map and drag the map to the map placeholder card.

The placeholder card updates to show the map of your cleanup progress.

If necessary, click the map and zoom in to the area where data was collected.Examine the map.

Which areas have the most litter? What might be causing the excess litter (for example, a picnic area or an entrance to a building)? Is there a garbage or recycling bin in the area?

Update the chart cards

Next, you'll update the chart cards on the page to show a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) chart and a column chart.

On the KPI placeholder card, click .

The Replace data pane appears. You'll use this pane to update the card so it uses your dataset.

For Choose a dataset, choose your dataset.

Review the remaining field on the Replace data pane and verify that the Replacement field matches the Original field in each case.

Click Update.

The KPI and the column chart cards both update with your data. The KPI shows the total number of items collected in your cleanup.

How many litter items have been cleaned up so far?

The column chart shows the count of items by type. The taller the column, the more items were cleaned up.

Which type of litter was found most commonly in your cleanup?

Change the KPI target

The KPI card has a target value of 100 litter items to pick up. You can change the target value to fit your cleanup goal. If you want to keep the target at 100, you can skip to the next section.

Point to the KPI card and click the Show button to see the card toolbar.

The card toolbar is now visible.

On the card toolbar, click the Layer options button.

The Layer options pane appears with the Options tab open.

For Target, click the text box and type the new target of litter to pick up for your class, for example, 150. Press Enter to apply the change.

The target value updates on your KPI card.

Close the Layer options pane.Click the Hide button to hide the card toolbar.

Now that your map and charts are ready, you will make a few final changes to finish your report.

Complete your progress report

There are a few more steps before your progress report is complete. In this section, you'll prepare the elements on your page to make a final report. The column chart uses a different color for each item type. It would be helpful to use the same colors on the map that are used on the column chart. You can do that by updating the map style to show the same field used on the column chart.

On the map card, click the arrow next to the layer name (community_cleanup).

The Layer options pane appears.

Click the Options tab.

For Style by, choose Item type field.

The map updates to use the same colors as the column chart. Depending on the size of the cleanup area, you may find the symbols too small. You can increase the symbol size if necessary.

Click the Style tab.

For Symbol size, click the text box and type 8. Close the Layer options pane.

Now you can use the colors of the points and columns to see where different types of litter are located.

On the map card, hover over the points to see more information about each item.

A pop-up appears for the point. The pop-up displays the coordinates where the litter was found, the type of litter, and statistics about the dataset. In the example above, the statistics read 9 of 25, meaning that there were 9 recyclable items collected of 25 total items.

The coordinates aren't the most important information you could display in the pop-up. Instead, you will replace the coordinates with the description of the collected item.

On the data pane, click the arrow next to the community_cleanup dataset.

Point to the Location field and click the Display field button.

In the Choose Display Field menu, scroll down and click Item description.

The display field is changed to the item description. Now when you hover over the points on the map, the pop-up will show the item description rather than the coordinates.

The map card still has the layer name and toolbar displayed. You no longer need either, so you'll hide them.

Click the map card to activate it, if necessary.Tip:

The card is activated when the tool bar and Action button are visible.

Click the Layer options button.

The layer name is removed from the map. You don't need the toolbar anymore, so you'll hide it too.

Click the Hide button.

The toolbar is hidden. Now the report is ready to share.

Share your report

Now you'll share your report so it can be viewed by stakeholders in your cleanup project.

At the bottom of the workbook page, on the Cleanup progress tab, click the Page options button and choose Share.

In the Share as window, enter the following:For Title, type Community cleanup progress report.For Type, choose Page.For Tag, type cleanup, litter, and report, and press Enter after each one.For Description, type Community cleanup progress at and add your cleanup location.For Share with, check Everyone (public).

Click Share.

The report is shared and the Page shared successfully window appears. You can use the URLs in the window to view your report, send the URL to stakeholders, or add a link on your organization's website. You can also use the Embed code to embed the report directly in a website.

Under View your shared page, click Go.

The page opens in a new tab.

When you're finished reviewing the report, close the tab and return to your Insights workbook.Close the Page shared successfully window.Click the Save button to save your workbook.

Click the Home button to return to the Insights home page.

Click the Pages tab.

Your shared pages are displayed. The pages are displayed newest to oldest by default, so the pages you shared should be listed first.

From the Pages tab, you can open your shared pages and manage them (for example, change the item details and change the shared status).


If you do not see your pages listed first, you may have changed the order in which the pages appear or which pages you are viewing. Use the Sort button to set the order of the pages and the View items button to ensure you are viewing your own items.

Discussion questionsWhich area has the most litter? Is there a garbage or recycling bin in the area?How many litter items have been cleaned up so far?Which type of litter was found most commonly in your cleanup area?

You've used ArcGIS Field Maps and ArcGIS Insights to collect data and visualize your progress in a community cleanup. You also shared your report so people interested in your progress can view it.

Create a time series graph

As an optional step for this tutorial, you can create a time series graph to track recurring cleanup events that take place over multiple days, or if you plan to schedule cleanups regularly throughout the year. The time series graph will allow you to visualize the amount of litter collected over time. In this section, you will create and configure a time series graph to give your report a temporal component.

Add the time series graph

You'll use the data you collected during your community cleanup.

If necessary, open ArcGIS Insights and click the Workbooks tab.Click the name of your community cleanup workbook.If necessary, expand the community_cleanup dataset in the data pane.

The dataset includes two date and time fields: CreationDate and EditDate. You'll create a time series using CreationDate.

Drag CreationDate to an empty spot on the page below the other cards, and drop it on Time Series.

A chart card is created with a time series graph. The time series shows the number of litter items collected on each day of your cleanup.

Make the time series graph match your report

You'll expand the time series to the same width as the cards above it and change the style to match the report.

Click the time series card to activate it, if necessary.Click and drag the side handles to increase the width of the card.

Click the More button. Click the Card style button.

On the Card style pane, expand the menu for Background color and type the hex value #E2DBCB.

The card background color updates to match the background of the other cards on the workbook. You will also remove the border from the card.

Click the Border options tab. For Border style, choose < None >.

Close the Card style pane.If necessary, click the More button and click Edit labels.

On the time series graph card, click the CreationDate label on the x-axis to make it editable. Type Cleanup date and press Enter.

For the y-axis label, click Count of community_cleanup and change the label to Total items collected.Hide the toolbar on the time series graph card.Save your workbook.

The report now includes a visualization that shows the amount of litter cleaned up in your community over time. Depending on the number of cleanup events you鈥檝e collected data for, you can use the time series to answer questions such as the following:

What are the temporal trends in the number of litter items you鈥檝e collected?Is the amount of litter increasing, decreasing, or remaining constant? Is there more litter collected at certain times of the year? If you added garbage or recycling bins, did that affect the amount of litter collected?

You can find more tutorials in the tutorial gallery.






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